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My Story Life Space: Mei 2011

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Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

Chocolate Milkshake

A chocolate milkshake is a cold drink made from milk or ice cream. It is sweet. Whether you have a sweet tooth, or are just looking for some comfort food, nothing can beat a good chocolate milkshake. Lots of us find ourselves craving for chocolate milkshake at different times, sometimes at the most unearthly hour. That is why; knowing how to make a chocolate milkshake is important, simple, and easy.

For making a chocolate milkshake, we need several ingredients are 2 cups milk, 4 cups vanilla or chocolate ice cream, 4 tea spoon chocolate syrup, 1 cup small ice cubes, whipped cream and cherry. The tools we need are blender and tall slender glasses.

The first step we do is pouring all the ingredients in the blender. Blend them slowly until the ingredients have completely blended. Second, increase the speed and blend until the consistency of the drink is thick. Finally, pour it into tall, slender glasses and top it with whipped cream and a cherry. Sip on it with straw to enjoy it thoroughly.

While it has said that nothing beats the flavor of the good chocolate milkshake, there are some ways of enhancing its flavor, and making it irresistible. When you make a chocolate milkshake, refrigerate it for a while, and then have it. If you do not want to use ice cream, the effort of making a chocolate milkshake is not worth it. Striking a balance in the ingredients is important to get the perfect chocolate milkshake. You are free to create variations in your chocolate milkshake.

Therefore, chocolate milkshake is a cold drink that we can make by our own self without spend much money and time, and easy to do. Besides that, we also free to create variations in our chocolate milkshake.


Most of people know what Notebook and Net book are. Net book is a new term. The first Net book is Asus PC, but now there are many names of Net book and system operating selection. Net book is similar with Notebook. In this essay, I will explain the differences about the dimension or screen size; the energy of battery; function and user target of Notebook and Net book.

I will explain about Notebook first. Notebook is bigger and heavier than Net book. The size of screen is up to 12”. Commonly, Notebook can “switch on” with battery for 1-3 hours. It has nice performance. The performance of Notebook is look like mainstream class of desktop computer. This performance is very useful for people who need work computer for multimedia editing or something else more than typing. Notebook is addressed for people who need a computer which has enough energy to work and can carry on everywhere.

On the other hand, Net book has own explanation about that three aspects. Net book’s screen size is smaller and ranging from 7”-10.2”. Net book save more energy but it has standard performance. Net book addressed for people who use computer just for office work and internet connection.

However, Notebook and Net book has they own application and quality. As a technology, they have some weakness and strongest as a consideration for people which one more prefer to choose. People know their own taste of technology.

This is "ME"

I was born in Bukittinggi on August 9, 1992. I am the second child in my family. I have 2 sisters and no brother. Since I was born, I had a name “Ziazharina”, it mean “This is our flower”. This name was given by my grandfather. It is an Arabian name. I think my name just the only one in this world.

In my family, I was the fattest child. My mother ever told me that when I was a baby, I was the biggest baby among many babies who would give immunization. When I went to the park with parent, mother said that many people always looked at me because I was very chubby and funny at that time. I always laugh every moment when I looked at my photo album and I see a fat girl with curly hair. I was very cute.

Now, I am studying at Universitas Negeri Padang in the first year. I chose English Literature in English and Art Faculty. Since I was in senior high school, I did not have intention to become a teacher or lecturer because I do not have a soul of teacher inside myself. Although, my parent always ask me to move to English Education but I cannot. I will still in English Literature until I finish it and someday I will get an academic title “Professor of Literature”.

I hope I can reach my wish above. Nevertheless, in the 1st semester in the university, I started to felt hard. I worried if someday I cannot finish my study in university. It made me be pessimistic. This is my bad attitude that I have since I was in senior high school. I do not know how I can erase this bad attitude from my life. Many factors that make me like that such as milieu and my weakness in social interaction.

Therefore, how my life looks like since I was a child until now and how my attitude is, I will always try and try become the best person in front of my parent because I wish that in the future I really want to make my parent happy with me. I do not want my parent to feel regret ever born me to this world.

Lovely Family

I am living in a family that has five members. They are my father, mother, two sisters, and me. My father is the most handsome man because he is the only one man in my family. I do not have any brother but I ever dream if one day, I would have a brother.

Both of us have different personalities. Many relatives said that my personality is like my father. I am a taciturn but I like to give smile to everyone. So is my father. He said that if we like to smile to everyone, people would think that we are the kind person. My father and I have one difference in sociality. Honestly, I am a girl who has a problem in social interaction. It is not surprised if I do not have many close friends. Different from my father, he has many acquaintances. All of them are in a good friendship.

My mother is a career woman. She is the busiest woman in my family. She has some jobs. Many people take their belief to my mother. Her job gives a negative effect for me. She hardly ever stays at home. She works from morning until night. My mother rarely cooks at home. However, I am very proud with my mother. Her personalities become inspiration for my older sister. She wants to be like mother. I think she could, because she is active in some organization activities since she was in senior high school.

The last is my younger sister. She has an attitude that our parents and my sisters have. She is a taciturn like me; the active person like my mother; a cheerful person like my father; and a discipline one like my older sister. She has some bad habits. She is very lazy to do homework. She will do that if she wants. She will give 1001 reasons to stay away from homework. Besides that, she is also a little bit anger, especially to me.

In conclusion, although we have some differences personalities each other, but it makes our family more colorful. I am so lucky living in this kind of family. The important thing for me is I really love my family. I hope Allah always bless my family.

Festival Band Event

I like music very much. Therefore, I chose the festival band as my favorite event. I have ever followed a festival band when I was in senior high school. It was the first time for me to watch festival band directly. The event was held in the end of 2nd semester. My school as a committee, invited many bands from all of senior high schools in West Sumatera. Totally, we would perform more than 20 bands in one day.

The purpose of this event is as a place for students to show their talents in playing band instruments. They will not hide their talents without show it to public. Furthermore, this event was covered by one of television station.

This event held not only for showing band performance and then finished, but to search for the best vocalist, guitarist, bassist, keyboardist, and drummer from that many bands. The winner will get a reward from the committee and sponsor. This event wasted the time completely daylong. It begun at 8.00 am until 11 pm in the evening.

Even though the event spent the time but it was very entertaining. The different genre of many bands can meet and share each other about music. As the result, in one day, we can watch many teenagers have amazing talent in music that never present before officially.