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My Story Life Space: NOTEBOOK or NET BOOK

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Selasa, 24 Mei 2011


Most of people know what Notebook and Net book are. Net book is a new term. The first Net book is Asus PC, but now there are many names of Net book and system operating selection. Net book is similar with Notebook. In this essay, I will explain the differences about the dimension or screen size; the energy of battery; function and user target of Notebook and Net book.

I will explain about Notebook first. Notebook is bigger and heavier than Net book. The size of screen is up to 12”. Commonly, Notebook can “switch on” with battery for 1-3 hours. It has nice performance. The performance of Notebook is look like mainstream class of desktop computer. This performance is very useful for people who need work computer for multimedia editing or something else more than typing. Notebook is addressed for people who need a computer which has enough energy to work and can carry on everywhere.

On the other hand, Net book has own explanation about that three aspects. Net book’s screen size is smaller and ranging from 7”-10.2”. Net book save more energy but it has standard performance. Net book addressed for people who use computer just for office work and internet connection.

However, Notebook and Net book has they own application and quality. As a technology, they have some weakness and strongest as a consideration for people which one more prefer to choose. People know their own taste of technology.

6 komentar:

  1. Now, I see what the different both them
    thx u 4 u'r essay....

  2. for me, better to using laptop.
    what about you?

  3. thank you very much to told us the different things about notebook and, i know the kind of gadget belong to me.

  4. it is good ayie
    but, i think in last paragraph, Don't put taste because taste is to explan about food not things. please, your revise again.

  5. hmmm...Ayie,,,Both of them are good for me...The important is "they can get on_line,just it !hahaa.....................
    However, I still need more photos about them!^^
    Keep writing sistaaaaaaa :D
