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My Story Life Space: April 2012

Who am I ?

Foto saya
Buat apa harus MENIRU ORANG LAIN untuk bisa menjadi TERKENAL... #just be the way U r --> Elo ya Elo -- Gw ya Gw <--

Selasa, 17 April 2012


Guess what!!
My dream to be a director comes true. I am a director of SEA Drama.
Actually, it is shocking me.
The lecture choose me as a director when i am in full of focus become a narrator.
It's confusing me. Besides, i have low voice and a little bit infirm. That is not because of i fear. NO!!
I just want to keep my respect to another members. If i got angry with their attitude while practicing, i'll show my anger that seems really rude. That's why, i don't really show my bearing.
But I will always try to be a good director for a good drama performance this year. Amiin :)


Selasa, 10 April 2012


We must work hard in this 6 WEEKS.

Keep our togetherness.

The most important thing is KEEP OUR HEALTH!!!

I am sure that for the next 6 weeks, our energy will be forcing.
We don't force our body actually, but the time force us.

and I am also sure that If we do the best with all of our effort, our drama are going to be SUCCESS!!!


Cleopatra, SEA Drama 2010. Hell Yeah!!!! xD

Sabtu, 07 April 2012

Never Say Never

by T Wiliams Williams

I used to say I'd never fall in love.
Then I met you on a Monday
and you reminded me of a rose.
I told you things I never thought I would,
and you showered me with
kindness and unconditional love.
I tried to hide my true feelings
and wear a different face,
but your heart is pure and full of gold
and no one can ever take your place.

I used to say I would never
give myself to one person.
Now I find myself clinging to your heart
and that's where I belong.
You are an angel sent from above
and I long to be your dove.

I used to say that my love
was one of a kind and
I would never find that special
someone to bring to my paradise.
They say a rose will always
be a rose, and a rose you are.
For you, I would pick eveyday,
because you're my shining star.

I used to say never,
but I will never say never again.

The rose in sun must fade.

by Bill

The dew upon the roses bloom
Could ne’er compare to thee,
And like that flower's sweet perfume,
You overpowered me.
But as with each fresh petal’s death,
Its beauty soon must die.
But the memory of its living breath
The artist can’t deny.
Though the rose in sun must fade,
So would its scent in deepest shade.

And you the rose in life to me,
Must be allowed to grow,
Not tethered to the soul of me,
But to the love you long to know.
For though your beauty long will live,
Your soul must wing – displayed,
For ‘tis life in you that I must give,
Not stifle or degrade.
For though my soul is precious meant,
‘Tis shade to you, I cast and sent.

The fragrance and the bloom unite,
As one, to cast its spell.
In you... your soul and beauty fight.
This I know too well
And though I long to kiss the rose,
To inhale its heavens’ scent,
A deeper love is what I chose
For losing you I must prevent.
For though the roses beauty calls,
‘Tis the love of us, my heart befalls.

And your beauty seen in slow decay,
Will lessen not my love for you.
The words my heart and soul essay
Will speak of love... not sad adieu.
Your inner soul is what I crave,
Your fragrance, ‘til we part.
And when carried to my earthly grave,
‘Twill be your fragrance in my heart.
And although the rose I loved so well,
‘Twas your fragrance that my heart befell.


by Samantha Jo Stinnett

No matter how many friends a person may have
They can still feel lonely.
No matter how loving there family may be
They can still feel lonely.
No matter how beautiful a rose may look
Its' thorns will still make your fingers bleed.
No matter how happy a person may act
They can still find themselves crying every night.
No matter how good food may look
It can always be ones enemy.
No matter how evil a knife may look
It can always seem like the answer.
No matter how long life may be
It can always be shortened.

18 and confused

by Alexis C. Hernandez

am i pretty enough?
am i beautiful enough?
will you show me off to your friends; or
will you pull away in public
will you whisper sweet nothings all the time; or
is it going to be a routine only?
will you declare your love for me; or
just declare me a friend amongst yours?
am i good enough for you?
do I meet your stipulations?
are my standards high enough?
am I experienced enough?
am I too skinny? too fat?
is 'me' at all ever enough?
i'm only human
I too have faults.
I don't claim to be perfect; so
why do you expect me to be?
Before criticizing and analyzing,
take a good look at yourself...
are YOU good enough for me?
are YOU worthy enough for me?
i expect nothing... but hope for everything
if i'm not what you want
then why can't you walk away?
if i have so many faults
then why are you still around?

For A Reason

by Robin L Ratajczyk

Everyone's path crosses For A Reason
Despite Mother Nature's course or Season
Only we're not always sure why we meet
Sometimes God's intervention we cannot beat

We're at the right place at just the right time
Suddenly a situation turns on a dime
What appeared to be nothing is now a spark
Before you know it- we're alone in the dark

As you turn to each other and gaze in one's eyes
Do you stop and think about the potential lies?
From nowhere soft lips slowly caress yours
Unveiled is a passion thats been behind doors

Was alcohol a factor- one cannot ignore?
Or was the passion so real, it could have been more?
Will that night pass by as people often do?
Or will our paths cross again, so we can start new?

Perhaps we'll enhance each other's lives
By bringing back passion that's pent up inside
As to where it's directed - it's up to us to decide
Unfortunately, my true feelings I can never confide

But I'll never forget the night we met
A relationship with you, I may never get
So, I am letting you go - to do what you must do
Because I know For A Reason - She met you, too.

To that special someone...

by Brad Pitt

Why do I miss you?
I have no clue!!!
But, it is definitely something I can't help but to do.
You run around in my mind and inside my heart
Because you were so special to me... right from the start.

I am so happy now, and I owe it all to you.
I just love to sit and laugh at the crazy things you do.
When you tell me you love me, it just melts my heart.
Now I know I'd die, if we were ever to be apart.

I honestly do love you... I can't hold it in anymore!
And whenever I think of you, my feelings begin to soar.
I just hope that these same thoughts are inside of you,
Because then we'll know if this love... is really true.

You'll be in my mind throughout the rest of the day,
To tell you the truth, I wouldn't want it any other way.
Unless you were here with me just for me to touch,
Only then, would I not have to miss you so much.

You are definitely the one for me that I can't deny.
I know this, from the chills I get as I gaze into your eye.
Just promise me now that your love is really true,
And then I'll start to think about... the rest of my life with you!


My mind full of confuson right now.
If i am thinking about my study, my organization, and my drama class in the same time, it will make me crazy!!!
I have a lot of assignments...
Drama has full schedule everyday...
I have to attend at sekre...


which one is beforehand? :'(