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Sabtu, 07 April 2012

The rose in sun must fade.

by Bill

The dew upon the roses bloom
Could ne’er compare to thee,
And like that flower's sweet perfume,
You overpowered me.
But as with each fresh petal’s death,
Its beauty soon must die.
But the memory of its living breath
The artist can’t deny.
Though the rose in sun must fade,
So would its scent in deepest shade.

And you the rose in life to me,
Must be allowed to grow,
Not tethered to the soul of me,
But to the love you long to know.
For though your beauty long will live,
Your soul must wing – displayed,
For ‘tis life in you that I must give,
Not stifle or degrade.
For though my soul is precious meant,
‘Tis shade to you, I cast and sent.

The fragrance and the bloom unite,
As one, to cast its spell.
In you... your soul and beauty fight.
This I know too well
And though I long to kiss the rose,
To inhale its heavens’ scent,
A deeper love is what I chose
For losing you I must prevent.
For though the roses beauty calls,
‘Tis the love of us, my heart befalls.

And your beauty seen in slow decay,
Will lessen not my love for you.
The words my heart and soul essay
Will speak of love... not sad adieu.
Your inner soul is what I crave,
Your fragrance, ‘til we part.
And when carried to my earthly grave,
‘Twill be your fragrance in my heart.
And although the rose I loved so well,
‘Twas your fragrance that my heart befell.

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