Free Monkey ani Cursors at
My Story Life Space: 18.04.2012

Who am I ?

Foto saya
Buat apa harus MENIRU ORANG LAIN untuk bisa menjadi TERKENAL... #just be the way U r --> Elo ya Elo -- Gw ya Gw <--

Selasa, 17 April 2012


Guess what!!
My dream to be a director comes true. I am a director of SEA Drama.
Actually, it is shocking me.
The lecture choose me as a director when i am in full of focus become a narrator.
It's confusing me. Besides, i have low voice and a little bit infirm. That is not because of i fear. NO!!
I just want to keep my respect to another members. If i got angry with their attitude while practicing, i'll show my anger that seems really rude. That's why, i don't really show my bearing.
But I will always try to be a good director for a good drama performance this year. Amiin :)


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