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My Story Life Space: For A Reason

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Buat apa harus MENIRU ORANG LAIN untuk bisa menjadi TERKENAL... #just be the way U r --> Elo ya Elo -- Gw ya Gw <--

Sabtu, 07 April 2012

For A Reason

by Robin L Ratajczyk

Everyone's path crosses For A Reason
Despite Mother Nature's course or Season
Only we're not always sure why we meet
Sometimes God's intervention we cannot beat

We're at the right place at just the right time
Suddenly a situation turns on a dime
What appeared to be nothing is now a spark
Before you know it- we're alone in the dark

As you turn to each other and gaze in one's eyes
Do you stop and think about the potential lies?
From nowhere soft lips slowly caress yours
Unveiled is a passion thats been behind doors

Was alcohol a factor- one cannot ignore?
Or was the passion so real, it could have been more?
Will that night pass by as people often do?
Or will our paths cross again, so we can start new?

Perhaps we'll enhance each other's lives
By bringing back passion that's pent up inside
As to where it's directed - it's up to us to decide
Unfortunately, my true feelings I can never confide

But I'll never forget the night we met
A relationship with you, I may never get
So, I am letting you go - to do what you must do
Because I know For A Reason - She met you, too.

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