Free Monkey ani Cursors at
My Story Life Space: 09.03.2012

Who am I ?

Foto saya
Buat apa harus MENIRU ORANG LAIN untuk bisa menjadi TERKENAL... #just be the way U r --> Elo ya Elo -- Gw ya Gw <--

Kamis, 08 Maret 2012


Today's SEA Class Schedule was collecting drama script from each student but i didnt prepare mine. Actually, i have one story but the story is tooooooo lllooooonggg about 121 pages. O.o
How crazy we are if we played that long story.. Haha

Well, there were some student that offer their script. After discussng what is their story tell about, so we decided to take 3 titles of drama script. Those script was given to Mrs. Witri (Drama's Lecture) so that Mrs. Witri could make an execution which one is the best.

HHmm... Mrs. Witri said that not all of Drama's student will performed in the final performance. Some of them will stay in back stage.

I ask to my self, Will I performed ones character?

Let's see next friday.

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