Free Monkey ani Cursors at
My Story Life Space: ILLUSIONS

Who am I ?

Foto saya
Buat apa harus MENIRU ORANG LAIN untuk bisa menjadi TERKENAL... #just be the way U r --> Elo ya Elo -- Gw ya Gw <--

Rabu, 14 Maret 2012


Speak to me –
Speak thro’ drifting clouds

O! sing to me –
Sing as if the sun would throw a flare
To give to harmony

Then call to me –
Call across the drowsy valleys –
Spread the word you care!

Now come to me –
Abandon now
My inner dreams
That lay illusions bare.

Then pray for me –
Pray that I recover
From reality:

But no! I ask, how could you,
For you were never there.

Copyright © Mark R Slaughter 2011

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